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News Releases

  • Blue Diamond Growers Applauds Congressional Leaders and Industry Coalition for Facilitating Trade Mitigation Direct Payment for Almonds

    Blue Diamond Growers applauds congressional leaders and the industry coalition led by Almond Alliance of California in securing recognition for the significant contributions of almonds in the state, national and global economy.

  • Almond Breeze is launched at APAS 2018

    Blue Diamond Almonds Global Ingredients Division, the world’s foremost almond processor and supplier, will showcase its 100% Pure Sweet Almond Oil at in-cosmetics Global, April 17-19 in Amsterdam.

  • Blue Diamond Features 100% Pure Sweet Almond Oil at in-cosmetics Global Exhibition

    Blue Diamond Almonds Global Ingredients Division, the world’s foremost almond processor and supplier, will showcase its 100% Pure Sweet Almond Oil at in-cosmetics Global, April 17-19 in Amsterdam.

  • Blue Diamond Growers Welcomes Finalization of KORUS Renegotiation Blue Diamond Growers Welcomes Finalization of KORUS Renegotiation

    Blue Diamond Growers, the world’s leading non‐profit almond processing and marketing cooperative, applauds the completion of the US‐Korea Free Trade Agreement (KORUS) renegotiation.

  • Blue Diamond Launches Premium, Expeller-Pressed Almond Oil

    Blue Diamond Almonds Global Ingredients Division, the world’s foremost almond processor and supplier, is continuing its record of innovation with the introduction of 100 percent pure, premium almond oil for the food ingredients market.

Annual Reports